(英国曼彻斯特大学商学院 讲席教授)
(厦门大学管理学院MBA中心 助理教授)
The recent years have witnessed the proliferation of Chinese context empirical papers published in top management journals. This talk draws upon my personal authoring and editorial experiences to discuss both the opportunities and challenges involved in making this type of papers survive the editorial process. Particular issues concern theoretical framing, theoretical translation of the Chinese context, internal and external validity, data collection and analysis, managing reviewer/editor expectations/demands, and strategic referencing.
孙霈教授的主要研究方向为全球化与制度转型中的企业战略、公司治理、及产业发展等。他在国内外著名学术期刊(如《经济研究》、Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies)发表了多篇颇具影响力的学术论文,并荣登爱思维尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引学者”榜单。
孙霈教授目前担任国际著名学术期刊British Journal of Management副主编(Associate Editor)、Management and Organization Review高级编辑(Senior Editor),曾任Journal of Management Studies特刊主编(Special issue guest editor, 2021-2023),Asia Pacific Journal of Management高级编辑(Senior Editor, 2019-2021)、《管理学季刊》领域编辑(2018-2021)。他多年担任国家自然科学基金面上与人才项目以及香港研究资助局(Hong Kong Research Grants Council)的评审专家。