演讲人:蔡舜 教授
时 间:2016年12月30日(五)下午14:30
地 点:成枫楼107(嘉庚二 107)
演讲题目:Judging online peer-to-peer lending behavior: A comparison of first-time and repeated borrowing requests
摘 要: The past decade has witnessed a growing number of business models that facilitate economic exchanges between individuals with limited institutional mediation. One of the important innovative business models is online peer-to-peer lending, which has received wide attention from government, industry, and researchers. Using the signaling theory, we compare the effects of various signals on the likelihood of successful funding in three models (i.e., first-time borrowing, repeated borrowing without prior lending, and repeated borrowing with prior lending). Using data collected from PPDAI.com, we verify the three proposed models by employing logistic regression. Results and implications are analyzed and discussed.
蔡舜博士于新加坡国立大学信息系统系、复旦大学管理科学系获得博士、学士学位,现为厦门大学管理学院管理科学系教授。蔡舜教授的研究方向包括电子商务、社交网络以及基于移动商务的消费者决策问题,论文主要发表于Information & Management, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Journal of Global Information Management, Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Electronic Commerce等国际期刊上。过去的五年中(2010-2015)蔡舜教授主持2项国家自然科学基金,1项教育部社科基金,1项教育部博士点基金,1项中央高校自由探索基金,1项校长基金-创新团队课题,入选教育部、福建省新世纪优秀人才支持计划,发表10篇学术论文和1本学术专著。