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编辑者:刘银燕 | 发布时间:2019-11-08

为了活跃厦门大学会计学科的学术研究氛围,激发既有教师与在校研究生的学术研究热情和积极性,促进教师之间、教师与研究生之间、研究生彼此之间的深入交流、思想碰撞与知识分享,我们组织了由厦门大学会计学科的常任教师、博(硕)士研究生、国际访问学者等作为报告人的系列Seminar。该Seminar将冠以“厦门大学会计学科教师与研究生系列Seminar”的总标题,从2017年3月14日起,每周周二下午15:00-17:30举行。该Seminar与已有的“财务、会计Seminar”(主要聘请校外与境外的学者担任报告人) 相互补充,以期能够更好地推动厦门大学会计学科的学术发展。  


  目:Capital Market Integration and Innovation: Firm-level Evidence from 43 Countries

报告人:侯芳芳 助理教授

主持人:张国清 教授



论文摘要:Using a novel firm-level panel data set covering 43 countries over two decades, we find that capital account liberalization is significantly associated with higher patenting activity. The impact is identified through a triple difference estimation strategy. We show that the effects of capital account liberalization are more pronounced among firms in R&D intensive sectors. We further find that the impact is stronger for firms that are located in economies that have a relatively better legal environment. Our results provide the first global evidence on the real effect of capital market integration.