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编辑者:刘银燕 | 发布时间:2019-12-13






 目:Does stock market liberalization improve stock price informativeness? Evidence from China

报告人:袁清波 高级讲师 (终身教职)



主持人:杜兴强  教授

论文摘要:This paper examines whether and how stock market liberalization affects stock price informativeness by exploiting the establishment of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect in China. We find that the investible firms’ stock price informativeness improved significantly after stock market liberalization. We further find that firms’ political affiliation impedes this process while market attention facilitates the improvement. We identify two channels for the information environment improvement; that is, firms included in the Stock Connect program report higher-quality earnings and more frequent and precise voluntary earnings forecasts.

报告人简介:袁清波,香港中文大学会计学博士, 现任墨尔本大学商学院会计系高级讲师 (终身教职)。研究兴趣为公司治理、公司财务、会计质量、公司信息披露。论文成果在Journal of Accounting,Auditing,and Finance、Journal of Corporate Finance、Accounting and Finance、Journal of Business Finance and Accounting、, Journal of Banking and Finance、European Financial Management、Asia-pacific Journal of Financial Studies、Corporate Governance: An International Review等国内外学术期刊发表。目前为美国会计学会、澳新会计和财务学会成员。